- Wärme dich vor jedem workout gut auf!!!
- 3 Übungskomplexe á 6 min.; zw. den Komplexen ca. 1 min. Pause
- die Pausen innerhalb der 6 min. so kurz wie möglich halten
- KB = Kettlebell; OH = overhead; AMRAP = As Much Reps/Rounds As Possible
- Kettlebell
- evtl. eine Matte/Unterlage
1. Komplex (not dominant + dominant side):
- KB figure 8 to catch with rotation (90°) and elbow strike
- KB clean with rotation (180°)
- KB military press with rotation (90°)
2. Komplex (not dominant + dominant side):
KB half kneeling dead clean
KB military press
KB lunge forward & backward with KB in OH pos.
KB back to ground
change legs in deep squat pos.
3. Komplex (not dominant + dominant side):
KB one hand swing
KB bottom on top clean
KB clean to catch with both hands (like cheat clean)
KB standing chest press
KB biceps curl